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Bruce Suggs
Executive  Coaching 

Change can happen almost effortlessly when in harmony with your gifts.

About Bruce 

Bruce has cultivated his practice for 30 years through a masters degree in psychology, coaching programs, 20 years in international sales and consulting. He studied  various Eastern and Western disciplines, learning and spending time teaching personal development workshops, meditation, and other modalities to promote rapid growth in his clients.  His quest to understand and maximizing the human experience, while enjoying all aspects of life, has enlivened a broad and deep knowing of the human potential. Aligning with the clients unique gifts makes lasting change happen quickly, leading to fulfillment in both personal and professional life.

As an intuitive life coach, I work with clients one-on-one to help them discover their true potential and achieve their goals. Using a variety of tools, including intuition, clairvoyance, and energy work, I help clients create a deeper sense of presence in their lives and achieve rapid growth and lasting change. I can and will do one off sessions that are incredible effective, however lasting change comes from committing to self and the universe that you are dedicated to living a more expanded joyful life aligned with your gifts.

Havaya co-creation group experience  invites you to experience the power of being completely connected and at ease with yourself and others to co create without limits. Ancient technology with modern science to free up creativity and openness to share and receive ideas.

Coaching can be one of the most powerful ways to speed up business transformation.

Yet, many organizations focus on coaching as a perk or retention tool but don’t connect it to business goals. Individual growth happens but only ever adds up to a series of disconnected moments.

When coaching is connected, it’s different. It channels the energy of your people towards a shared business goal. Turning moments into momentum. And accelerating organizational change.

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